Friday, March 30, 2012

Doctor - Lawyer - Indian Chief

     Why Does the Role of Nutrition Have Such an Insignificant Place in the Medical Mind?

"They" used to say it.
Looks simple enough
    To say that nutrition doesn’t play a vital role in health is ridiculous!  That is like saying that it doesn’t matter what kind of air that we breathe, whether it is full of pollutants or pollens or radioactive isotopes our bodies will survive just as well as breathing clean mountain air.  Even worse, it is like saying that eating is not a vital factor of our being alive. What kind of analytical calculation would make a person whose training is the field of sciences of biology, chemistry and medicine deduce such a thing? Medical professionals, especially those who have a degree to practice medicine, who say such illogical things, make their medical training almost incredible.  Those of us regular human beings, who just sit down logically with ourselves and honestly listen to what our bodies themselves say to us, just can’t honor these so-called professionals with the credibility that we actually would like to honor them with.  Not because our training and skill are greater than theirs but because they live in a doped up dream world where the human body is somehow devoid of the wonderful abilities it has innately to be vibrant, radiant and healthy without their medical intervention, which to most of them, means drugs, placeboes (given for things they don’t want to look into deeply), surgery and their buddy-system specialists.  When my doctor and her nurse raised their eyebrows when I simply told them that I was juicing, and that on the other hand they had just previously said it is better to get your vitamins from your food than a pill, I could see that something so obvious didn’t click in the way they were trained to think.  It is so peculiar that they both missed the obvious in this incongruity that I knew the medical training was a drugging to their logical thinking, and blamed not these intelligent people as much as their drug pushers who had dulled and even warped their thinking.  I don’t want to fight with them.  I just want to live well and have confidence in the persons that are helping me to attend to my health issues. There are many highly respectable and even honorable people in this profession, but there is a snake in the system that is poisoning the reasoning ability and ties up and locks down the liberated rational cognizance of these highly trained people.  It reminds me of those taking “acid” trying to liberate their mind, but becoming not lucid but rather self-deluded and even permanently damaged in their reasoning abilities in the process.  This is alarming!

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